Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Getting out of Dodge

We’ve decided we’re going to Vancouver, B.C. this weekend. We’re going to the hotel where we were married. We’re going to have sex. We’re going to have brekkie at the Granville Island public market. We’re going to take a water taxi and walk around the city. We’re going to the Capilano suspension bridge.

I’m so, so, so excited.

I love Seattle but sometimes I have to get OUT. What I really wanted to do was head to the Oregon coast, hole up in a cabin and storm watch but we need to be back in town Tuesday because we start round four.


At 3/23/2006 3:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi ladies. i am a blog lurker from FF and have been crossing my fingers for you since you started this journey. we are on our 5th try and waiting to O. getting away seems like a great idea. im considering that, too. anyway, just wanted to wish you much luck in this crazy crazy rollercoaster.

At 3/23/2006 5:48 AM, Blogger Sacha said...

Thanks Marta. We both need a break from being HERE. Good luck to you, I'll be keeping fingers crossed!

At 3/23/2006 8:56 PM, Blogger charlotte said...

Have a super vacay.


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