Sunday, March 26, 2006

Things you DON'T say at a dinner party...

I've been feeling angry at DtD recently. Not based on anything he's done. It's because he's tied up in all my anxieties and feelings of failure around not getting pregnant. I've been feeling like I could use a break, and it really sucks to feel like you need a break from your friend. The way our timing works out, I don't get a break because as soon as we get our BFN, it's a week away from our next insem.

Once again, I need to spend time with DtD. Without time he becomes a commodity to me, the @#$!! sperm that's NOT getting me pregnant. When we hang out, I remember that he's our friend and someone we like a lot. That's what we did last night.

With his other friends. Who like to ask us questions. Like how do you know DtD?

M. froze. Her mouth hung momentarily open as she thought about how well we know DtD. Not quite in the biblical sense, but a little too close for party talk. She quickly scanned her brain for the most appropriate answer. One that did NOT contain anything about sperm. Or babies. Or getting pregnant.


We're off for our mini-vaca. See y'all on Tuesday.


At 3/27/2006 7:24 AM, Blogger Maria's Pregnancy Adventure said...

I am sure your vacation will do you both some good and take your mind off this whole baby thing. I can totally relate though as we are on our 3rd try this past weekend so now the 2ww. What joy. I just found out that our donor's brother cannot get a woman pregnant as he has some issues there and well the thing going through the back of my mind is, what if my donor has this same affliction and here I am month after month getting inseminated and nothing. I am told you have a 1 in 5 chance of getting pregnant every month so if all works well then one would figure we should be pregnant in the next couple of months. Keep thinking positive and put all your good energy towards helping your baby find you guys.

At 3/28/2006 10:58 AM, Blogger Sacha said...

Thanks Maria! It's hard to think positive but I'm doing the best I can. At least we all know we're not alone in this crazy TTC world.

At 3/29/2006 11:25 AM, Blogger boho girl said...

i have to admit...that was REALLY sweet of D+D to offer to "come" over to your house for the next insem.

wow...he needs applause for that one! *grin*


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