Monday, May 15, 2006

When Mothers SUCK.

Last night I had to peel my poor M. off the floor and tell her that NO mother should make it their child's job to make THEM feel lovable. I love my MIL but she can be difficult and needy, and when she's in THAT mood she tends to hurt the people around her. M. is nothing but a good daughter and it makes me SO mad that she would ever feel differently.

M. has told me that I am not allowed to kick her mother's ass.


At 5/15/2006 12:55 PM, Blogger charlotte said...

Ooooh. I hate MIL issues. Mine is such a martyr, and I have wanted to do the ass kicking many a time, but I can't because she is S's mom, not mine.

It gets even worse when you have kids. UGGGG. But mine is coming today to be vaguely helpful, so I won't bag on her anymore.

At 5/15/2006 2:53 PM, Blogger Lo said...

Um, been there. Co's MIL can be, um, difficult. I don't think it would be helpful for Co to kick her in the ass, but sometimes I want that....

At 5/24/2006 2:48 PM, Blogger Christy said...

I totally understand MIL "problems". I saw some of your posts on FF so I decided to check out your blog.

DP's MIL is so NEEDY! As in, makes me feel like, I am on Silence of the Lambs, and I want to scream, put the lotion in the fucking basket bitch, okay, sorry I went off on a rant, but everytime she spends the weekend with us, DP is stuck so far up her A$$, she'd (MIL) would have to open her mouth for me to find her!


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