Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Whew...The Blob Emerges

We're back from the very nerve-wracking U/S and everything looks great so far. What a relief! The ONE baby measured at 10 weeks and CRL was 31mm. HB was 170. We even got to see some arm punches, but mostly saw the back of the baby.

Must be camera shy!

It's strange to look at the pictures and think that it's OUR baby. Especially after spending so long looking at other peoples' ultrasounds.

Can't wait to see the little one again in 8-10 weeks.


At 9/05/2006 4:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well if you believe in the old wives tale, you're having a boy or is it a girl?! ours was on the lower side of 'normal' and we had a perfect little girl. who knows how the tale goes, as long as there's a hb and it's within the normal range, the other stuff is just semantics... congrats!!

At 9/05/2006 4:50 PM, Blogger Solitaire said...

Whew indeed! There's something about having to go and have a test that makes me always convinced I'm about to fail it. However, great news that there's one healthy baby in there!!

At 9/05/2006 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Great news. :)

At 9/05/2006 9:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent news!

At 9/06/2006 1:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm happy for you both! (or all three of you really :-)


At 9/06/2006 6:22 AM, Blogger Sarah and BB said...

Wooohoooo! I love ultrasounds!

Grow baby grow!!

At 9/06/2006 6:36 AM, Blogger Stacey said...

Yay! So glad that it is all good!

The wives tale is that you're having a girl but I heard that you are supposed to look at the 20 week heartbeat. Ours was 130 bpm at 7 weeks which would mean we're having a boy. We'll see. :-P

So cool to get to see the baby! I can't wait for our ultrasound since I didn't really get to look at the 7 week ultrasound but it was just a blob at that point.

At 9/06/2006 9:39 AM, Blogger Trista said...

yay! It's beautiful.

At 9/06/2006 9:59 AM, Blogger charlotte said...

What a gorgeous and perfectly perfect baby that is. Of yours. Because it is your baby :)

At 9/06/2006 10:17 AM, Blogger *G* said...

Hooray! Congratulations on the positive visit and the great pictures!

At 9/06/2006 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats!! I am a lurker from FF and have followed your TTC journey and am so happy to see such a beautiful little baby!! Good luck and I can't wait to see more pics!!

At 9/06/2006 4:19 PM, Blogger Wendy and Karen said...

Woohoo! Lookin' good!

At 9/06/2006 7:41 PM, Blogger Jude said...

Yay! Baby!

At 9/07/2006 12:51 PM, Blogger Kathryn said...

Fab news!!!!


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