Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Tiredness Hits Again

M. and I have been granted a snow day by the paranoid folk of Seattle. Thanks Seattle!

The extreme tiredness is back. Maybe even worse than before. Considering that I started the BP med a week ago, I'm positive that's the reason I can barely handle a couple hours upright before it's back to the couch. It's very VERY frustrating. And it's making work very difficult. Luckily I have two more shifts then another five day break.

The good news? Well, my BP is down to NORMAL. Woot!

And more good news...I've been ruled out for genetic hypercoagulation, meaning my blood clot in 2001 was just a plain ol' blood clot. It also means that we won't have to move my care over to a perinatoligist and I won't have to give myself shots in the belly.

Midwife Appointment

Our Monday appointment was so-so. This time we got the Substitute Midwife who passed me off to the on call Personality of a Dead Fish Midwife when I dared request to get a final answer regarding the clotting issues. We're halfway through a pregnancy and my body could potentially clot and KILL our baby. I want answers, people.

We'd already been warned about Dead Fish Midwife, but she was a breath of fresh air (ha ha) after Subsitute Midwife, whose only answer regarding most of our questions was that we should ask the doctor. She couldn't even read a urinalysis. Then Dead Fish Midwife treated me like a CRAZY CRAZY PATIENT when I informed her that as long as the pregancy is progressing well and the baby is safe, I have every intention of refusing the 39 week induction that they recommend for preggos with hypertension. She said:

Well, you always have the right to refuse treatment but then we might consider you medically unstable.

In her mind I'd be a medical risk to myself and the baby just because I may not listen to and obey every thing she says.

The worst, worst part? This conversation came up in the context of how we'd like to avoid a c-section.

Me: We plan to do everything we can to avoid a c-section.
Dead Fish: ::long blank stare:: Well, you do know that you'll be induced at 39 weeks because of the hyptension, don't you?

I never said anything about induction. Clearly Dead Fish sees a connection between induction and c-section. With her attitude, I might as well schedule my c-section now. At least that way we could make sure Dead Fish wouldn't be the on call midwife that day.

We're trying a Friday appointment next. The midwives work different days, so Friday may bode well for getting a different, better experience. There's not much use getting too upset because this is our only option if we want to be managed by a midwife and not a doc.


At 11/28/2006 3:11 PM, Blogger Trista said...

Wow. Um. I'm speechless. Did she just threaten you? Sorry, I am apparently hyper-bitchy lately, but that sure seems like a threat to me.

Good luck getting someone else next time. And if you DO have to get induced... well, I'm sure you two will make certain that she's nowhere NEAR coming on duty while you're in labor. I can practically see her running at you with a scalpel screaming "medically unstable! medically unstable!" (yes, I realize that a midwife would not be performing a c-section, but still) Sheesh. Wish you guys had another good choice. Good luck!

At 11/28/2006 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Induction at 39 weeks???? *bangs head against wall* Are you sure there isn't a good family practice doc around? At least then you would definitely get are care provider you know/trust instead of this bullshit. And escape what I like to call these "Medwives" haha.

Seriously though, induction at 39 weeks? Wtf! Some babies aren't even ready for 3 weeks or MORE after that! (I know I"m preaching to the choir here)

At 11/29/2006 7:07 AM, Blogger Stacey said...

Couldn't they just see how youre pregnancy goes and not automatically think you're ready for a c-section at 39 weeks? Wow, those midwives sound so different from ours. :( I hope your next appointment is much better!

We have such mild weather in Toronto. All of you on the west coast have the winter weather so I think we've exchanged environments or something. :-P

At 11/30/2006 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I got threatened with inductions and c-section several times when I was pg because of blood preasure and it ended up I had a completely natural vaginal delivery without medication at 39 weeks because bub was ready to be born...dont' let themworry you


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