Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Some Kind of Nasty Sauna

No one tells you much about the aftermath of pregnancy. First you get the "baby blues" which should be renamed the baby hit-by-a-mack-truck.

Then there's the preview of menopause you get to experience.

I've been getting night sweats. Not some nice, damp sheen but dripping wet every morning and freezing cold when I get up because I'm soaked. Finn doesn't need rubber sheeting...I do! M. has declared that no matter how cold, we will sleep with the window open because all the sweating is making it like some sort of sauna in the bedroom.

Then there's the dry skin. I've actually started putting lansinoh on my cheeks at night because my skin is so, so dry. It's awful. I'm turning into an alligator.

One good thing is no hot flashes. But they're probably coming.

One Month Today

It's one month since Finn's birthday. M. is currently feeding our boy and I get my morning alone time. Yay! He's having a bit of a tough feeding this morning because he woke up quite hungry and he hasn't 100% mastered the bottle yet.

He's getting so big - around nine pounds already. We got to see our friends H&L's little boy yesterday who is two weeks behind Finn and he was just tiny in comparison.

We feel like we're getting the hang of things. Having a newborn is such a huge learning curve. We have learned how to help him poop when he gets grunty, that baths at night are better than baths during the day, that he will feed at 1 am, 3 am, 5 am and 7 am, that when he fusses he needs to be fed or burped and so much more.

I love the times when he's just alert and looking around. He can hold his head up pretty well but not for long, and he has the most intelligent, bright look in his eyes, like he's taking it all in.

He has tears and it breaks my heart when he cries and they come gushing out.

He'll smile soon. We can't wait. Right now he smiles in his sleep and makes these high-pitched laughs that crack us up. We call it sleep laughing. He makes lots of grunting and whining but we're starting to hear an occasional coo as well.

I know it's been a month but he feels like he's been in our lives forever. It's strange but I can't really remember what our lives were like without him.

Okay, enough gushing. Finn's been on a growth spurt which means three hour feeding sessions and I suspect he'll take more boob after his bottle - the life of the milk cow. Moooo!


At 5/02/2007 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwww, it sounds like you girls are doing so well with little Finn.

NObody told me about the night sweats either.. but I think that they get rid of fluid retention. Apparently I had a lot of that! Haha.

Sleep grins are the best. DH and I would say, maybe we are doing something right!

At 5/02/2007 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of calling yourself the milk cow....why not try Dairy daughter used to call me a cow. Actually she asked why I didn't eat grass because cows eat grass and make milk. We were at a store one day and thats what the salesperson suggested. I admit being fluffy, i much prefered it over milky cow

At 5/02/2007 11:45 AM, Blogger Hope said...

What kind of bottles are you using? After trying several kinds, we use dr brown's wide mouth. I would definitely rec wide bottles (like brown's or avent) for the nursing ones because the latch is more similar.

At 5/02/2007 8:46 PM, Blogger Stacey said...

You really do get used to it as you get to know your little boy and things become more natural for you and him. It's great, isn't it?

Smiling is the best! I was so happy when Riley reached that stage! :)

I never went through hormonal changes after birth. I never had night sweats. Hmmmm. The worst part for me was recovering from the stitches! Ouchie!

At 5/04/2007 4:15 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Happy 1 Month!! Now, think it's time to update your "About Us" part of your webpage? It still says you're "expecting" your LB!! LOL

And would you mind doing a fellow Mom a favor and share your tips on how you get him to burp and poop? My DD is having MAJOR pains when trying to pass gas, and I'd love to have some way to help her...
Even 2nd time Moms need tips from other moms ;)


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