Sunday, August 12, 2007

Baby Loves Dance Music

Okay, I admit it. I did NOT listen to peaceful zen music while Finn was in utero. He was grown on a steady diet of dance music and hip hop with some alternative thrown in. Music is really important to me and our house has been very quiet since the boy came along. It's not on purpose. I just haven't felt like putting music on as much as I used to.

Over the weekend our neighbors all of the sudden started blasting some Le Tigre from their back yard speakers, disrupting the quiet (ha ha) of our neighborhood. M., Finn and I did something I haven't done in a long time...we had a kitchen dance party.

Finn had a blast.

Then on Saturday the boy fell asleep at The Honey Hole to the sounds of underground hip hop.

That's my baby!

Tonight I pulled out my fave Erlend Oye and we danced around the living room. It was so much fun. Okay, we threw in some sea chanties as well. No one can say I don't have diverse taste in music.

I feel like I'm starting to crawl out of the post partum hole. Mommy is on her way back.


At 8/13/2007 6:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of my secret fears is that if I ever get knocked up I will have to start listening to "baby music". So glad to hear that isn't the case!


At 8/13/2007 7:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesse loves dancing to music. The smile never leaves his face. Question: how old was Finn when you all started using the Bumbo seat? Jesse is 3 mo & 3 wks and loves to sit up in our laps kind of assisted (our hands are on his waist). They are really beginning to be so much fun.

At 8/13/2007 12:51 PM, Blogger Stacey said...

I dance Riley to all kinds of music. I too love hip hop but I do screen my music because Eminem is not so appropriate for a baby. Hehehe. But yeah, mostly we listen to kids music but it brings back memories for me. lol


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