Monday, September 29, 2008

Going Glass

They are finally starting show that maybe BPA isn't has harmless as the industry would like us to think. Although the FDA is stubbornly clinging to their assertions that BPA is safe, to me it seems like just a matter of time before they reverse that.

The latest article in the NYT (linked to above) pushed me to make the decision to take our household off plastic. I went to Crate and Barrel and bought 10 glass food storage containers that can hold about a serving of food. At $1.75 each it only cost us $20. I also bought a stoneware plate and bowl that I'll take to work to eat and heat my food in. I then threw out all of our plastic containers EXCEPT my beloved huge snapware and some other larger containers that will be used for food storage ONLY. No more heating up in plastic.

M. and I have also decided for #2 we're going to switch to glass bottles. The reality is that you don't know what they'll deem dangerous in the future. Glass is a no-brainer.

And M. is happy because all of this inspiration led to a frantic cleaning of our disasterous plastic storage container drawer.


At 9/29/2008 11:26 AM, Blogger Angele said...

BPA can't be good if it's banned here in Canada!!!

At 10/03/2008 8:24 AM, Blogger Kathryn said...

Also GREAT for storage: Ball Canning Jars!

We switched away from plastic entirely about a year and a half ago and LOVE the fact that all of these jars use the same lids, no matter what size the jar. It's awesome! We have little ones for lunches, big ones for homemade soup, medium ones for everyday. They're great!
Congrats on going plastic free!

At 10/11/2008 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, congrats on going plastic free! We have been doing the same over here for the last 4 months, and we are currently going "canned food- free" too after realizing that the lining of the majority of cans out there containes bpa. We have used glass bottles from the beginning and would never think of doing anything else! Good for you!

At 11/22/2008 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! We went off the crap about a year ago, and it is just so wonderful to use glass. We use canning jars for storage as well, and when you leave leftovers in it until it turns many shades of green? When you wash it, it doesn't cling to the toxic smell. So nice.

Now we have to switch to Eden foods for our jarred goods, and THAT is much harder to do...damn BPA.


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