Sunday, September 28, 2008

Potty Learning

I've always been proud that I didn't turn into one of THOSE parents who discuss their children's poop (or stool as I might say and then M. would tell me that word is "gross".) After all, poop is something that's part of my daily work life and I find it 100% uninteresting. Poop is poop is poop.

But pee has become another story.

We've been "potty learning" with Finn since he was 11 months old. It's been very casual. Put him on the potty just to get him into the habit, no pressure, no big goals. For a while now I've been wondering just exactly WHAT are we doing. Finn's making no progress whatsoever when it comes to the potty.

Then something happened today.

I put Finner on the potty after his nap and he had a completely dry dipe - a DRY DIPE, so I knew he had some urine in his tiny boy bladder. He pee'd just a little then got up and tried to climb up to the sink. I then placed him back on the potty and he finished peeing - a lot.


I'm very much looking foward to no more diapers and now I feel like that might actually happen before he's 13. Yay!


At 9/28/2008 2:01 PM, Blogger blueeyedtawni said...

hehehehehe :)
it took my boys 3 yeras to be fully potty trained but once it happened oh my gosh it was grand lol...
yay you go finn!!!! ^_^

At 9/28/2008 6:46 PM, Blogger Lil Jimmi said...

That's when we started putting Phine on the toilet, at 11 months. She was in undies full time by 1 year 11 months.

I think if it's an easy breezy, no pressure thing they can start to get it pretty young.


At 10/01/2008 10:48 PM, Blogger Dana said...

With Rose at 10 months, I'm curious about this "potty learning". Can you point me to a resource?

(and its for stuff like that that I read this blog - I have no one else to ask about less traditional methods!)


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