Finn at four months in M.'s pocket sling, then again at eighteen months. How he has GROWN! He's not carried as much these days but still loves to snuggle close in a sling now and then. So sweet.
It's the exact same sling but in the pic where he's little he's more in the pocket and you can't see the patterned fabric as well. It's a pocket sling custom made by our friend Katie who runs Metrosupial Designs.
The pocket slings are okay for what we use them for, which is running in and out of stores or when he won't sit in the cart and INSISTS on being carried - 25 pound toddler is hard on the back. I wouldn't carry him all day in one, but I wouldn't carry him all day at 18 months anyway.
We have a mei tai called Babies Beyond Borders and I think it's hands-down the best for carrying a toddler. It's similar to an Ergo but much better.
I've always said I would have married M. the moment I met her, and we've always wanted children. But we're two women and that complicates things. Fourteen years, one commitment ceremony, one legal marriage and eight inseminations later, we finally have the family we dreamed of.
Secret Blog Code
DtD:Dick the Donor, our known donor BF: DtD's boy friend BHOI: Big Hospital of Interventions LB: Little Boy, our son, arrived 04.02.07
What kind of sling are you wearing in the pic where he is bigger? Do you like it?
It's the exact same sling but in the pic where he's little he's more in the pocket and you can't see the patterned fabric as well. It's a pocket sling custom made by our friend Katie who runs Metrosupial Designs.
The pocket slings are okay for what we use them for, which is running in and out of stores or when he won't sit in the cart and INSISTS on being carried - 25 pound toddler is hard on the back. I wouldn't carry him all day in one, but I wouldn't carry him all day at 18 months anyway.
We have a mei tai called Babies Beyond Borders and I think it's hands-down the best for carrying a toddler. It's similar to an Ergo but much better.
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