Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Haters

I stopped fighting the haters a long time ago. It just felt like such a waste of my creativity and my energy to rail against people whose world views are as embedded as mine. I know…I mean know deep in my heart…that it is wrong to oppress queers. There is no doubt in my mind that we will some day have equal rights. So the haters who want to hurt us, insult us, scare us and otherwise force us back into the closet aren’t worth my time. Because no matter how convicted they are, they are wrong.

So when they come to our internet homes, our blogs, and spew their ugliness, stomping all over our thoughts and feelings with their hurtful words, I just think that I am happy despite them. I am thriving despite them. If they step away from whatever religious texts they use to shore up their hateful world view and really look at queers who are living their lives, the answer is clear. Would we be so happy if we weren’t meant to be?

Happiness is threatening. So they resort to ridiculous insults that completely undermine whatever they have to say. If their words aren’t ridiculous to start with, throwing insults at a person’s appearance, tells me that making fun of people is really the only thing they have left. Their self-righteous sense of superiority based on their presenting a heterosexual orientation and a nuclear family to the world is built on quick sand. Because if it wasn’t they would keep their arguments in the realm of the intelligent and cerebral instead of resorting to nastiness.

Gert and I are at work. It’s a nice day outside. The sun is shining. We are loved. What else can anyone ask for?


At 2/15/2006 8:07 PM, Blogger Sophia said...

amen! Must be something in the air because we dealt with some bs yesterday. Its in my blog

At 2/16/2006 6:28 AM, Blogger J said...

Hi- Delurking:) These past few weeks have been particularly vicious - gay bar shootings, transwomen killings, etc - It saddens me immensely - more so to know that this hate happens every day, and rarely gets reported.

And...yes. We are happy, and it was meant to be this way

At 2/16/2006 11:54 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Why do people think that they know who God hates or loves? The whole hate thing is so ridiculous. I just don't get it.


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