Monday, June 26, 2006


We had something very disturbing arrive in the mail. It's a somewhat innocuous post card advert for in-home entertainment systems. The disturbing thing? It's addressed to DtD and arrived at our address.

There's only one way this could have happened. We gave the fertility clinic where we had the semen analysis done OUR address for DtD when he went in. It appears they have sold his information. And it's an expensive item they're trying to sell. Clearly the clients of said fertility clinic are percieved as being wealthy.

What in the world do we do about this?

We're going to start by telling DtD. He should know. It's his information after all.

We also did some research and this is a major violation of HIPPA. It will be up to him, but I believe he has a potential lawsuit on his hands. In the very least he should ask for his name to be removed from this man's list and file a complaint against the clinic. Let's just say that DtD is a nice guy. If it were me all holy hell would be raining down on these people.

Totally 100% fucking UNBELIEVABLE! And fucking UNETHICAL, not to mention illegal. It's not like these people aren't making enough money off of infertility as it is.


At 6/27/2006 2:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! That is really very bad. I hope that whoever is selling these addresses gets what is coming to them; bad bad karma!

At 6/27/2006 4:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I hate to tell you but it happens all the time. Wait until you get pregnant and the formula samples start coming in the mail. I bet you maybe even some form was signed that didn't look like it was anything. I would ask to see where he signed but clinics are just sneaky!

At 6/27/2006 8:03 AM, Blogger Sacha said...

Beth - according to HIPPA, they can't give out your name and addy to formula companies when you have a baby. Since HIPPA went into effect just a few years ago it was quite recently that hospitals were still doing that. They can't do that any more. This really is a violation of the law.

At 6/27/2006 7:15 PM, Blogger charlotte said...

HOLY FUCK. I would call the clinic Sacha, if I were you. That effects your privacy too. Asswipes.

At 6/30/2006 6:11 AM, Blogger Tamsin said...

That is terrible that the clinic have sold that information - totally reprehensible. I would be mad as hell if I were either you or DtD.


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