For Your Entertainment...
In getting ready for the upcoming PRIDE event, I've found a list of gay slang on Wikipedia. I specifically say 'gay' slang because it's mostly stuff either stereotypically gay male or actually used in the gay male community.
There's some lesbian stuff in there, but really, I've never talked like that.
So brush up on your gay slang so you can sound like one of the boys at the parade. But be aware, the term 'Mary' is really quite passe.
For your entertainment: the Wikipedia list of Gay Slang
I find this most interesting and informing! We just went to DC Pride and they had a bear club, I wondered if they dressed up like bears, or what? Who the hell knows, I thought I was in the "know" because of being queer, but who know bear is a fat hairy queer guy?
Thanks for the info Sacha!
That list was awesome! I live just 2.5 blocks away from "Gayteenth & Castro" lol.
"Mary" is quite the old slang. I just heard a 1940s recording in which a guy was relating something that happened in the 20s and it was "Mary" all over the place. You can find it here:
Ray Bourbon was a gay vaudville performer who did routines with a guy by the name of Bert Sherry; Their act was Bourbon & Sherry.
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