Impending Cankle
The swelling has begun.
My ankles aren't that bad. If I could lie on the couch all day they would be slender as slender could be. But I don't, and they aren't. My socks are starting to leave dents, which means that it's time for the footies or new socks.
I knew this day was coming but had secretly hoped that maybe I would be the one pregnant woman who could actually avoid the cankle. I imagined gracefully making my way through pregnancy with my skinny little ankles. After all, they're one of the few skinny things about me.
You see, I'm vain. Vain, vain, vain. Vain with a capital "V".
Oh well. I guess cankles will come and cankles will go. Fluid retention is part of pregnancy. It's part of my increased vascular volume. It's part of my uterus keeping my blood from making its way back up my vertical body.
Blah blah blah.
Ha ha, Cankle, that's great. I've never heard that term before. I'll have to tell my partner about it. She's 37 weeks pregnant and her Cankles are worse than ever!
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