Friday, January 19, 2007

Dr. Grandpa and the Volkswagon Mechanic

There's been so much to say about our provider woes lately that I haven't been able to get to some of the actually funny stuff. And what's funnier than...DR. GRANDPA????

You see, Dr. Grandpa works at BHOI which is where we first encountered his charming self. Remember, we are the MOST overwrought, anxious TTC couple he has EVER encountered. Being at BHOI meant having to occasionally see Dr. Granpa in the hallway and when we were considering using Dr. Dog Lesbian it was revealed that Dr. Grandpa could be the one DELIVERING OUR BABY.

Dr. Dog Lesbian assured us we would be safe with him. I informed her that HE may not be safe with M. We might be delivering the baby in the driveway of the emergency entrance in that situation, although M. says that wouldn't help because then Dr. Grandpa would just come outside.

Dr. Grandpa and the Volkswagon Mechanic

As we were leaving our last appointment at BHOI we ran into a colleague of M. who happens to also be a TTC lesbian. We found out that she has officially moved onto being a P lesbian (pregnant) and is expecting TWINS. Since she and her partner are having twins, they are now having to look into hospital births that they hadn't initially planned for and they have been interviewing providers. She tells us that she talked to a doc at BHOI and told him that they wanted to use a nurse midwife. He responded to the idea of midwives with the following anaology:

Why would you take your Mercedes to a Volkswagon mechanic?

I had to interrupt at this moment and ask The Question...

Was it Dr. Grandpa you were talking to?


In case you missed the anaology, Dr. Grandpa is the Mercedes mechanic and certified nurse midwives are lowly Volkswagon mechanics. Mercedes...good. Volkswagons...substandard and inferior. Volkswagons...the car of the common person, the mere working class, middle class soccer moms. Mercedes...good. Volkswagons...BAD BAD BAD BAD.

He he.

From my point of view, a Volkswagon is a hell of a lot better than the piece of crap we drive and I'd love to own one...actually, we are planning to buy a Volkswagon Passat wagon for our future family. And if Dr. Grandpa is an example of people who sniff down their noses as they sit in their leather seats of their Mercedes, I'll stick with my plan.

I wonder what Dr. Grandpa would call our family practice doc? A Volvo? A mere domestic?


At 1/19/2007 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha! Great story. Dr. Grandpa sounds quite funny. Nice analogy. Some doctors do get a bit of a God complex, I think.

At 1/21/2007 6:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

very funny. i wonder where my Hyundai mechanic fits into his analogy.


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