Saturday, July 07, 2007

Sleeping Through the Night

Okay, so we are now on our fifth night of Finn not night nursing AT ALL. Am I happy? Hell yeah! But the emotion that is predominant at the moment is fear.

Sleep is a huge issue for parents of a baby but M. and I have done a great job of simply not stressing over it. We get what Finn gives us. That may be a four or five hour stretch. It also has been two hours at a time all night long. There have been times when I have been so exhausted that I almost can't get out of bed for that one last feed at 5 am before he wakes up at 7am.

So this is good, right? To bed at 8 or 9, up at 7 or 8...good? Except that I know it's all going to come crashing down and that first night when I drag my bleary-eyed ass out of bed to feed to boy at 2:30 am, I will be resentful. I love him, I love feeding him, I will suffer being exhausted for him but I will still be resentful that he gave us a taste of the good life then jerked it away, all the while not knowing how much he's torturing mommies because he's just a little baby who is hungry. Hungry bungry.

I'm afraid to say it outloud, so I'll say it quietly. Our boy is...sleeping through the night.

At least for now. I'm going to go back to bed and enjoy it while I can.


At 7/07/2007 4:49 PM, Blogger ajs4ever said...

I'm sure that feeling is very normal:) They give you a taste of the life you had forgotten and then to take it away-- no way!! Just enjoy it while it lasts and take it one day at a time. Who knows! Maybe he will keep it up from now on-- YEAH MOMS!!

At 7/08/2007 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go Finn - you're such a fab boy!!
Just take it one day at a time like you have been doing. There are bound to be nights when he's up but it's much easier to cope with after some nights of good sleep. Enjoy it while you can!!


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