Monday, December 11, 2006

Baby Clothes Hell

M. and I have become baby clothes shopaholics, especially if they're at the thrift store or on the sales rack. So far The Unnamed One is a well dressed little boy. All this baby clothes shopping has made me notice certain trends about little boy clothes.

Dogs are for boys and cats are for girls. This explains a lot about the number of cats M. and I have. After all, we're GIRLS. Clearly we were programmed from birth to like CATS. This early programming does nothing to explain the Dog Lesbians in this world.

Boys like sports but girls don't. I can't tell you how many tiny blue stretchies and onesies have some sports paraphernalia applique on them, usually football or baseball. You know, the MANLY sports. This regularly makes M. go red in the face and mutter about how much she hates sports. Girls don't get the sports crap at all. Obviously girls must be sweet and love flowers, not kick ass on the basketball court. Do we need a Title 9 for baby clothes now?

Clothing with words on them. This is my favorite, and it's universal. Finally, equality amongst the sexes. Why do most baby clothes have some sort of saying on them. So Sweet! Cutie Pie! It's as if they are guiding the world in how we should be responding to the baby.

Oh, a baby. I don't know what I should say...oh my, what should I do...I'm panicking... ::reads front of fuzzy blue onesie:: ...WHAT A...UH...CUTIE PIE!

My absolute favorite? Anything that says Baby across the front. Just in case anyone forgot what that tiny little thing is.

Or maybe in case someone, what a nice pink kitten you have there.


At 12/11/2006 10:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes, you have hit upon my "favorite" boy clothes topic. Sports. The sports thing will be even more frustrating for you as most of them are "Daddy's little (insert sport hero here)" Like a mom couldn't possibly like sports or be proud of her future sporty kid. Or any 9 month old can possibly be a sports star. I do not buy these items due to my disdain for the blatant sexism, but my MIL is obsessed with them so we have a bunch. Irritating to say the least.

And why-oh-why can't boys like cats? So weird. Who knew cats were girly until baby clothes manufacturers deemed it so.

At 12/11/2006 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG how funny, that outfit you have displayed for this blog's conversation is the same outfit we just bought for our little girl. It is eery. I can't stand that all little girls things must be adorable and cute pink and frilly. Why can't my little girl wear a pair of khakis and a red polo. Well there is no reason why not as she will be. Her other mommy is very butch and wants our little one to dress like her like a little baby dyke and well I am a butche femme is how I would classify myself and while I am don't want GI Jane baby I don't want little miss princess either. So right now she is getting lots of jeans stuff and purple :) Grandma's I am sure will buy her the dressese and what not.

At 12/11/2006 1:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is very true about the clothing. Don't forget that boy clothing can have bugs, dinosaurs and vehicles on it. Not girl clothes.

I think dogs are seen as more manly. We have both dogs and cats and have some clothing with dogs on it for Riley. The great thing about girls is that they can get away with some "boy" clothing.

I like the girly clothing but really, it is frustrating to see how the clothing is all the same! I mean, we had a hard time finding some baby jeans for our girl without the flowers all over them. :-P

At 12/11/2006 4:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Around here it's either "manly sports, camo and weapons" or "pink tutus and fairy/princess" outits. The one that really ticked me off was the onsie (or bib i can't remember) that said "I like to play sports with Daddy". I just about had to be carried out of Macy's by the paddywagon! As if...Mommies can't play sports? I LOVE sports (and my DP hates them) but i'm hardly the "butch" one...

At 12/11/2006 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops...did i really write "outtits"? OOPS! Must be something Freudian there...
Of course i meant "outfits"! har har...

At 12/11/2006 5:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your explanation for baby clothes with words on them! Be funnier if it weren't true!

One of my best friends has a little girl and was so mad that she could never find anything in the girls' department with trucks or something on our other best friend went out and bought a hot-pink sweatshirt with a little bow at the neck...and embroidered a bulldozer on it! It was classic =)

At 12/12/2006 5:38 PM, Blogger charlotte said...

I know. I saw a shirt a while ago that was pink with a giant dump truck on it and I really wanted to get it for LM. See, when you have a baby you can actually make social statement WITH THE BABY. Haha.

At 12/12/2006 6:03 PM, Blogger Lil Jimmi said...

Exhibit A:

Ya know so we don't confuse her with the cat and dog.

At 12/12/2006 6:14 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

just repeating the frustration of you and others....yesterday i put the kid in khakis, a plaid shirt (w/ 'boy' colors) and a green sweatshirt. we went to the grocery. an employee told me my little boy had the most beautiful eyes. i let it go, and sometimes i don't even correct people anymore because i'm just so tired of it.

i realize this is different, b/c i chose to put her in these clothes....but it will be interesting to see how folks react if, GOD FORBID you put your kid in PINK or PURPLE. your baby shall be a little gender warrior!

At 12/12/2006 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets not forget only boys can be firemen and policemen. Girls have to aspire to be a princess.


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