Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Nesting: The Freezer

M. is really hoping my nesting instinct kicks in soon. I think she's decided that a pregnant woman is almost as good as a housekeeper.

Anyway, I've actually cleaned the freezer. And to M.'s horror, I'm sharing my before and after pictures. On the left...before. On the right...1.5 hours later...AFTER!!!

Whoo hoo!


At 1/31/2007 5:37 PM, Blogger tifferny said...

That's gotta feel good! Hey, if you get the urge, you can hop a plane to Chicago and do mine. :)

When I was seven months pregnant I cleaned out every cabinet, every closet, every shelf, every nook and cranny in my 3,600 sq ft home. I donated and recycled sooooo much stuff it was incomprehensible. Man, I wish I had taken pictures to document it like you did. I was obsessed, a woman on a mission, and my husband seriously thought I had dropped a few apples off the ol' tree.

But it felt so good to purge and to have everything in its place.

So, you've gotten the cats moved out of the nursery and have your freezer in order. Have you thought about tackling the closets yet? ;)

At 1/31/2007 8:03 PM, Blogger Sacha said...

oh god, closets...........

After I tackle the fridge, the next victim will be the spice cabinet. You would not believe the MESS it is. I already have a plan to buy another spice rack and will need to get rid of cookbooks. I have so many cookbooks that they have their own cabinet, plus half the spice cabinet, plus counter space. Yikes.


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