Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Sometimes Life Just Sucks

Sophia needs love from the blogosphere because their second round of IVF is kaput.

The world of TTC is a cruel one. There are people who have an easy time. There are people who struggle. Then there are people who have put so much heart and soul into creating a child and having a family that it feels like the universe owes them. You root for them and look forward to the day that they can finally move forward into parenting.

The universe owes Sophia and Mikey. The problem is that the universe hasn't realized how big of a debt it owes yet.


At 2/06/2007 3:46 PM, Blogger tifferny said...

soooo sad. i am sending love. i am also reminded of the years of recurrent miscarriage and then subsequent years of infertility before being blessed with my mikaela. i'll hug her a little tighter tonight...


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