Monday, May 14, 2007

On the Go with the Boy

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M. and Finn at Pike Place Seattle!

We have successfully completed our first day trip with Finn. Yay! It was down to Tacoma for Mothers' Day brunch then to M.'s parents house. More on that later...

Neither M. or I feel the world needs to be child-proofed for us. I mean, I'm happy there are places for people who neither have not want children. I'm glad there are environments free of screaming, hyperactive children.


There really need to be more kid friendly bathrooms. Trying to figure out where to change Finn is REALLY challenging at times, especially since we have a small car and no room to change him there. We went to the market with M.'s parents and aunt and we ended up having to ask the clerk at a children's store to use their non-public restroom for his dipe change.

I can see why moms love the mall. We have to seriously think about where we're going and how we're going to handle a diaper change while we're out.


At 5/14/2007 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Disposable changing pads are great for this. Not exactly environmentally-friendly, but they are great in a pinch. You can lay them down anywhere and change him. I use the same one for months. If you have a stroller with you with a reclined position, you could change him there also. I have an SUV, so that's usually where my kids get changed. My oldest is just now potty-training at 3.5 years old and I have NEVER changed either of my kids in a public restroom. It just gives me the heebie-jeebies. So I've had to be very creative over the years!

At 5/14/2007 1:30 PM, Blogger Babyless said...

In a couple of months you will be able to do it on your lap when you sitting anywhere. Good luck.

At 5/15/2007 10:30 AM, Blogger Krista said...

Yikes, I never thought of that. I like the idea of a reclining stoller.

That sling is amazing. Please tell me if it is as comfortable as it looks and if so, where I can order it?

At 5/15/2007 11:17 AM, Blogger Melody said...

I am loving the baby sling. That is an adorable picture.

At 5/15/2007 4:36 PM, Blogger Stacey said...

Yay on trips out of the house! :) I hear ya about washrooms. I have changed Riley in the stroller, on the corner of a sink counter and on my lap (in the car). The best for the car is on your lap--just lay out the plastic pad that comes in most diaper bags. It's not the most comfortable way to change the baby but it works. Oh yeah, I also changed her while she was seated in the car seat. That was awkward. LOL

I never get why washrooms can't have at least a counter or something you can use. It's really annoying.

Cute pic!

At 5/15/2007 8:53 PM, Blogger Sacha said...

The sling is a Moby-D wrap. It's the MOST comfortable sling we have (we have a pocket sling and a ring sling as well). You can buy them all over the place on the internets ;)

The only downside to the Moby is that it's long and you can't slip it on quickly. Usually M. puts it on before we leave the house. For quick trips we keep the pocket sling in the diaper bag.


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