Saturday, March 24, 2007

Back to the TWW

I hated the TWW. Obsessing over every little twinge, hoping against all hope that maybe my body cooperated and this was the cycle where we'd finally get those two lines, finally get that baby we'd been dreaming of. It was crazy-making. It wore down my soul.

We're back to the two week wait. You think pregnancy will take away the crazy-making? Nope. And the last stretch is truly stretched out into eternity. We're back to obsessing about every little twinge. Every braxton hicks. Every little noise I make elicits a "what's wrong?" from M. We're back to the hope against hope that maybe my body will kick into gear before they give me drugs and force LB out when he's not ready.

The only good thing is that we have enough appointments to keep us very distracted. I think we have some sort of appointment every day except Friday.

Twelve more days.


At 3/24/2007 2:23 PM, Blogger w. wilson said...

I've lurked forever on Babycakes, having been pregnant a few months before you. Our baby is now 4 months, and I really, really encourage you to love every second of these last weeks before LB comes. It's awesome to have the kid finally, I promise, but you will miss your partner and your previous life. So live it up! Snuggle with your wifey and pets (?). Take baths. Read a book.

At 3/24/2007 7:20 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Craziness! Very, very excited for you two... :oD

At 3/24/2007 7:55 PM, Blogger party b said...

I remember waiting... and waiting... and waiting... I think those were among the longest days of my life.

We did fun stuff though like treating ourselves to eating out, renting movies, taking LONG walks, and I am so glad we did.

FWIW - I actually don't miss my old life.... my old body, yes... but I love my life and my wife and my baby. I barely remember life without her part of our family.

So happy for you!!! And wishing you water breaking-labor starting-eviction producing contractions and all that good stuff :-)

At 3/24/2007 9:47 PM, Blogger Sacha said...

Long walks sound nice. It's been rainy and I'm in so much pain, it's hard to think about walking for too long. I've actually been feeling a bit better the last couple days...a bit of an energy burst but not reading anything into it.

M. is sick. I'm a little too. We're trying to get well so we don't end up sick through the birth. Ugh.

At 3/25/2007 8:25 AM, Blogger Stacey said...

The end is the hardest part. But seriously, SLEEP now. ;) Can't wait to see your little boy. I keep checking for updates!!! :)

At 3/25/2007 10:17 AM, Blogger MaverickMama said...

Babies generally do come out. In mere days you won't be pregnant anymore, and although you probably won't miss the discomfort you may find you miss being a member of the pregnant lady club. My boy is three weeks old today. The last days drag by, but once LB is born I'm pretty sure you will feel like things are in fast forward.


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