Daylighting Our Donor
The whole known donor thing has proven to be easier than I ever expected. Easier as in we often forget how Finn came into being. I know it took a long time to get him and a lot of work, but sometimes I swear he magically appeared. There was no chance union of sperm and egg, and where that sperm came from matters even less.
Top it off, DtD isn't even around. He was such a part of our lives and now he's an occasional email and a lot of memories. He's living one life, we're living another and I hate that they aren't intersecting much at the moment.
All of this means that M. and I don't have a lot of pressure to deal with the donor issue. It's easy to say he's not around, it's easy to keep his identity from our family, it's easy to not talk to Finn about how he came to be. Before we know it Finn could be three years old and we haven't actually managed to normalize having a known donor entirely by accident.
This is why we've decided to start the daylighting process. We're pulling DtD very slowly out of the donor sperm closet and starting to introduce him to the world. Starting with Finn.
Finn has a little photo album that has pictures of his family. It's the kind that he can rip at, tear, and basically abuse but not hurt the pictures. He loves it. It has pictures of mommy and mama, of Grandpa and Grandma D and Grandpa and Grandma K. It has pictures of his cousins and his Godmama KMBKH. Now it has pictures of DtD and BF. Because they're part of his family and it's our very first step toward the openness we always planned.
I'm a little nervous. We're officially opening ourselves up to our families finding the picture and asking questions. If I were doing this for myself I would never tell them, but I'm not. I'm doing it for our son and us being open about where he came from is really important.