Pregnancy Update, Or GOOD LORD, maybe there ARE twins in there...
Monday beta
Doubling Time
still pregnant
a queer parenting blog
M. and I both had the funniest reaction to finding out that we're...ahem...pregnant. We both suddenly had NO IDEA what the hell to do next.
We told DtD yesterday. Actually I told him over the phone. We were planning to tell him in person but when I called him to ask if we could come over he asked how the test turned out and I blurted.
First, thank you and hugs and well-wishes to everyone who is reading, and commenting. M. and I are overwhelmed. Both with the news that we are pregnant and by the response here.
It's actually cloudy this morning and I have few minutes before I have to wake M. up, shove her in the shower then head for our monthly beta. I'm feeling hopeful and I hate hope sometimes. If it's negative, it's the c-word and we keep on plugging.
We're back from our camping trip. It was fun. Beta tomorrow at 9 am. More later.
It's still hot in Seattle. I mean broiling. Okay, broiling for us, who wilt above eighty degrees.
I don't know if anyone has been following the case in New Orleans where a doc and two nurses have been arrested for causing the deaths of four patients during hurricane Katrina. They haven't been officially charged, but they're going to try for second degree murder.
Geeze, it's supposed to hit 95 degrees today. We're going to the mall, then a movie, then back to the mall.
I'm still seething about our visit with Dr. Grandpa back in April. Why am I still so angry?
Have I ever mentioned that I truly LURVE Calliope? She is the essence of support and love, which is why M. and I are honored to be singled out by her for Tribute Tuesday. All our thanks and all our love.
There is a cultural push in our society to be quiet around pregnancy. That quiet turns into isolation when you don't get pregnant right away.
Poor M. She has married a girl who has a thing for comic book movies. We saw Superman Returns a couple weeks ago and I'm eagerly awaiting Spiderman 3.
We lost our excitement over naming our tries a few tries ago. Everything was feeling tiresome and difficult, so we didn't feel like it was worth making it fun anymore.
It's a good thing that DtD is less feisty than me and prevented me from going after the Clinic That Sold His Info with all the fury of a mother bear, because...well...we're using them to do the sperm wash.
I'm SO excited about the responses to my 'eureka' moment. What will it take to create a space on the web dedicated to empowering all queers around TTC?
From Anonymous...
We had the coolest day.
From Anne...
From Stacey...
We've gone to an OBGYN, we suffered through being lectured by Dr. Grandpa, we have lied to the fertility clinic and faced even more lying if we want access to having an IUI seven days a week, we have had our ability to manage our own risk questioned, we have faced a limited schedule for IUI because we want our TTC journey to be one of honesty.
Questions from Anneloes...
A little break from answering questions...
From Brooke:
From Tamsin (congratulations, by the way, both M. and I are so, so, so thrilled for you!)
I would love to see more pictures! Especially of you guys' home, places you go on a daily basis, etc.
I'm trying to get pics up for Beth but Flickr is NOT being my bitch this morning. I'll start with Lisa's questions...
I did this a while back and maybe it's time again....give new and old readers a chance to find answers to anything you're curious about.
I've decided M. and I are going to start a support group.
Yes kids, I'm fat. Morbidly obsese (oh, how I hate that term). Fatty fatty two by four (clearly I can get through the kitchen door since I do most of the cooking. Anyway, if you couldn't get through the kitchen door, chances are you would waste away from lack of access to the fridge).